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Introductions, Pt. II: Regarding Yours Truly

Greetings, Reader.

Welcome to the second part of this series of introductions. In the first part, Bleeding Ink & Breathing Worlds was introduced. Now I write to you to introduce myself. I've never been good at that. It's difficult to know what people want to know about you, and difficult to know what parts about you are important.

I think I covered the most important parts about me on my "about" page. Now I will try to tell you about the less important but still important parts about me (trying to avoid the overly common statements which most humans can relate to, such as "I love music" or "I went to school for dragon riding").

To you, I will be known as Edna Pellen. I hail from a not-so-distant land (depending on where you dwell) and live a not-so-unusual life (depending on what you consider "usual").

I collect old things and new things that pretend to be old things, books, and various oddities.

That last item reminds me - I quite like goblins (have you noticed that's a trend now? Quite odd. I won't complain, though - goblins need all the love they can get).

I adore spring and fall (and I'm not overly found of referring to fall as "autumn," though I'm not sure why) and so, naturally, the Anne of Green Gables book series is one of my favorite classics (I count the whole series as one book). On that note, I love classics.

On that note, I have a great love for classic movies and television and their icons (Vincent Price, Dick Van Dyke, and Basil Rathbone being some of my favorites).

I have a strong appreciation for words. Despite this, I use them incorrectly very often. We all have a fatal flaw.

In addition to writing, I'm also (apparently) an artist and (also apparently) a musician. I play bass guitar and two other instruments which shall remain unnamed for no reason other than the fact that I want the bass guitar to get more attention and if I list the other two they will distract from it (I do, however, love these instruments very much and one of them found its way into my content some time ago, so please know that they are not neglected).

I have a tendency to personify things and as such I have what I call my "team of inanimate assistants." More on them in Part III of this series.

I do believe I'm running out of things to say... Oh wait, here's a few more.

I love satire and rambling. Because of this, I incorporate both of them into my content when I can (although the rambling tends to come naturally, and I do try to keep some structure to my regular posts).

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly: My favorite color is orange, and it has been since I was a wee gremlin.

That is all for now, dear reader. Should you have any questions about me or Bleeding Ink & Breathing Worlds, please do comment it.

Otherwise, I will speak to you anon. For now, as I wrote long ago, may your day birth inspiration, your trials prompt you to create, and your travels be safe.




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