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Indie Support

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Supporting independent creators - especially authors - is one of my biggest passion. I'm constantly thinking about ways to support my favorite indie authors. Over the years, I've found a few ways of doing that.


If you are an indie author and would like my support, here's a few ways I can help you.

Books in Exchange for Reviews

While you can always recommend me an indie book, and I almost definetly will read and review it that way, I prioritize reading books that authors have given me in exchange for reviews. 


That means if you just released a book and are in need or reviewers, this is a good option for you. 


If you want to offer me a book in exchange for a review, you can find more information about my reading preferences on my contact page. I would like it if you ask me as far in advance from when you want the review as possible, as I'm a slower reader.


Recommend Me Your Book

On my indie recommendations page, I have a list of indie books that I read and recommend. 

Those books find their ways into my library in one of three ways:


1. Books in exchange for reviews (as discussed already)

2. I found them on my own

3. The authors or fans of that book recommended it to me through my recommendations form.


When you recommend me a book through that form mentioned in #3, it's almost a one-hundred percent guarantee that I will read it. 

For more information on how this works, please see the Recommend Me an Indie Book page.


In an effort to keep Bleeding Ink focused on my own content, I have shifted  most of my blog-related support for indies over to the NoQu website.

I will typically send things like book or author spotlights, author interviews, cover reveals, and so on, over to the NoQu blog. 


However, I will still participate in blog tours here on Bleeding Ink so long as there aren't too many of them in a row. 


That being said, if you need a blog tour participant feel free to ask about my participation in my contact form. Please remember to detail what sort of role you're looking for me to feel.

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